Friday, July 30, 2010

{REWIND} Favorite Things

My week-long training class is finally drawing to an end, which means you can look forward (or not) to regular posts next week. I'm excited to get working on some projects once I get home, but not nearly as excited as I am to see Charlotte!

Last December I listed some of my favorite things about her. I need to do that again soon because she's changed so much since then. Maybe next week. Until then, here's the original list.


My little monkey consumes the majority of my life and I love that little girl with a passion. Here are some of my favorite things about her. In no particular order. There are tons more, but these are the ones that came to mind right away.

* Her belly button - which can't decide if it's an innie or an outie.
* How she marches around a room.
* Her big toothy grin - a rare and special treat.
* How she pushes Mark to the edge of the bed so she can lay on his pillow.
* How she puts her hands side by side, fingers stretched out, when she wants something.
* How fearless she is.
* How she dances, hops and spins just about every day.
* Her surprised face every time you say, "Charlotte, where's..."
* Her skinny little legs.
* How she does 'Bumblebee, Bumblebee' to herself.
* How she loves her cousins, especially Penelope and Elijah.
* Her crazy mess of curls.
* How she freely gives kisses (heck, Elmo and a plastic pork chop even got kisses yesterday).
* How she reverses to sit down in your lap.
* How much she loves me, even though I'm totally unworthy.

What are some of your favorite things (they don't have to be about Charlotte)?

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