Friday, July 23, 2010

To Do This July: An Update

Friday is normally the day that I post whatever crafty project I've worked on during the previous week. There was no time for that this week though since all my free time was spent working on July's to do list. The month will be at its end very soon (especially soon for me since I'll be at a training class for work all next week) and so I thought it important to share an update on what I've accomplished so far. Here goes:

Landscaping. Sod was ordered and installed a couple weeks ago and I'm happy to say that it's still alive and kicking! If you're planning on getting any yourself I highly suggest Central Sod Farms, Inc. They are super fast (I got my sod less than 24 hours from when I ordered) and the price can't be beat. Definitely call in your order though. I got cheaper shipping that way. The other landscaping is done, though we still need to mow the lawn. Patches that are nearing a foot high is too much, right?!

Clean, clean, clean. Done, done and done. Seriously, my house has never looked this good! A super huge thanks to my mom for scrubbing my bathroom floor (who knew those tiles were actually bright white?!). Now to just keep it that way!

Hire a realtor. I met with the prospective realtor on Wednesday and feel like she's a good match for us. We did find out that our house is worth significantly less than what I'd thought, and while that's a letdown, that's just the way it is and means we need to look into other options for a new place. All that's left to do is read over the contract and sign the dotted line.

Basement. Ugh, still the bane of my existence. My mom and I spent hours down there on Tuesday, creating a sizeable yard sale pile, taking three loads of items to Goodwill and another to a dumpster. So we've made headway, just not as much as I'd like. But there's still time left in the month and progress will be made!!

All in all, a good showing thus far for what is to be a very short month for me. How about you? How's your to do list going?

P.S. I realize the pics have absolutely nothing to do with the content of the post, but I feel like every good entry needs some photos and had none that actually went along with the subject matter. So Chuckles in a tutu and dress up heels is what you get. Enjoy!


  1. Love those photos!! Not feeling the same about that basement though!!!

    : )

  2. Your photo is too adorable. Hope you get all that work done with ease and Grace! Yikes I'm just tired reading about it. I wanted to give you a shout out that I had the kids paint a t-shirt inspired by your messy art post and I LOVE how it turned out. I hope you come take a peek.

  3. Katie,
    Glad you liked the project. The Mickey table cloth is actually vinyl from Hancock fabric store and bonus I got it way marked down. I use it as a covering to protect the table from all our art projects and it is cheery and fun to boot. We are headed to Disney Land the first week of September. It will be my first time as well as the kids, hubby has been before. We are excited! I noticed you posted about Disney trip planning. Have you ever used Garden Grocer to have groceries delivered to your hotel?
