When I was a little kid, my siblings and I would make leprechaun traps. We'd gather together all the green stuff we could find and and put it underneath a box propped up on a stick. We figured a leprechaun would be tempted by all the green goodness and get stuck under the box. Charlotte helped me gather some stuff together this afternoon so we could make our own trap:

In retrospect, we kids should have known that our plan was failed from the start. A box on a stick is a pathetic trap, and would only accomplish its goal of catching a leprechaun if said leprechaun knocked the stick over on his way in to get the green stuff. Nevertheless, Charlotte and I gathered together as many green items as we could find.

I set up the box and we went upstairs to get ourselves ready to head over to Gramma and Grandpa's for corned beef and cabbage, and came back down to find that our trap had been sprung. When we looked under the box, we discovered that all the green items were gone, safely stashed back in their proper homes, and some treats were left in their place. A few bags of Skittles for Mark and I (you know, for tasting the rainbow) and a pail of Lucky Charms for the kidlet.

So, no leprechauns here, but a pretty good haul and a fun afternoon!
Cute post!
Great way to start off having some regular fun at your house.
What a fun idea! And she is SO CUTE!
That is sooooo cute! I did laugh at Charolette's boring little life. That's what we do too...trips to Target & Nannas :) What a life :) I hope you caught a leprechan...no luck here!
That looks like so much fun! Way to go Charlotte!
That's so cute. I bet she had fun.
Such an adorable idea!
I am going to do this next year with my little boy. Great idea.
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