Monday, July 12, 2010

Pants Become Skirt

Charlotte's definitely getting taller, but is staying skinny as can be, so lots of her 18 month clothes still fit except for the length. I plan to turn most of her now-highwater pants into capris or shorts, but was inspired by another blogger (can't remember which one and didn't save the link, sorry) to use a pair to make a ruffled skirt for her. And because a skirt wasn't enough, I gussied up a plain white tank she had to match. Here's ten easy steps to make this outfit yourself:

Step 1. Gather your supplies - too short pants, a bit of scrap fabric (mine's a vintage sheet found at the thrift store) and basic sewing supplies. You'll also need a couple buttons and a plain tank or tee should you decide to make the shirt too.

Step 2. Cut the legs off the pants, just above the crotch.

Step 3. Measure the width of your your new skirt and multiply by 4. Cut a strip of fabric 2-3 inches high to that length. I used the hem already on the sheet so I didn't have to do my own.

Step 4. Fold the strip in half lengthwise and seam together to form a loop. I opted to use a french seam, but you could use a regular seam as long as you finish the edge.

Step 5. With the skirt turned right side out and the piece of fabric turned right side in, line up your edges and begin pinning the ruffle in place. It's best to put a single pin in the front, back and each side first, then pin halfway between each one two more times. (Hope that makes sense!)

Step 6. Use your sewing machine to stitch the ruffles down. You'll want to go slowly and as you remove the pins, push the ruffle fabric flat to the skirt.

Step 7. Serge or zig zag your seam and you'll be nearly done.

Step 8. Iron your ruffle down and do a finishing stitch on the right side of the ruffle. If you're as terrible at sewing straight lines as I am, make sure to stitch slowly and follow your seam as a guide.

Step 9. Now cut three circles from your scrap fabric (and be sure to take a photo of them that has ridiculously low depth of field) and make yoyos out of them. My circles were roughly 4 inches in diameter.

Step 10. Use a button and some embroidery floss to stitch the yoyos to your tank.

And that's it! A pretty easy way to make use of too short pants. Now, Charlotte's skirt ended up a little short, so I may go back and add another ruffle. It'd have been easier to do this from the start, so consider it if you're concerned about the length. But, I might just leave it as is. I figure she'll never be allowed to wear a skirt this short again, not if her daddy has anything to say about it anyway!

Now if only I could teach that girl too look at the camera when I'm taking a picture, instead of in every direction except towards me!


  1. Such a cute outfit! I'm loving the "yo-yo" flowers on the top. Thanks for the link on how to make those. BTW, if you end up lenghening the skirt, could you show how you do that too? I'm very interested in this sewing stuff (even though I don't have the heart to try it).

  2. Love this outfit! Great idea and great execution!
    Love the yo-yo trim!

  3. I wish I'd seen this before sending that last bag to Goodwill! :) Great idea, thanks!

  4. would love to feature this tutorial on the vintage sheet blog. lmk if that is ok!
