Friday, July 9, 2010

T-Shirt Dress

Charlotte and I had a little momma-daughter time yesterday morning since Nanny Chrissy had a doctor's appointment (yay for a baby boy!!!). We started our morning by heading to Michael's for a little shopping. Chuckles quickly found some things to look at:

We ended up taking home a few of those grow in water animal things. I should have read a little closer, because had I noticed that it takes up to 72 hours for them to grow completely I'd have just left them at the store. You can only tell a 2 year old that the animals are sleeping for so long! Although Charlotte seemed to enjoy them even in their tiny size (the first photo is of her neighing at the horse) and liked that she got to play in water.

The purpose of our trip out was actually to stop at some fabulous outdoor location for a mini photo shoot of the dress that I made her (yup, took just a couple hours and an old t-shirt of mine), but it was way too hot! Our play date at the store was way more fun anyway!!

I came up with the plan for how to make this dress after I saw this tutorial on Twinkle Toes. I'm super proud of the result, especially since it was so easy to do. It came out looking a million times better than my last dress attempt (can I just say that arm holes are not my friend), and I have plans in the works to make a couple more dresses for Charlotte (and Penelope too) in the near future. I tell ya, I've become a sewing fool!!

So, what have you been creating lately? Please share!


  1. Great job on the dress Katie! It looks so cute on her.
    Is she wearing a "hardhat" in one of the photos?
    The photos of her shopping are very fun!! I like how she trys things on and really studies possible purchases!

  2. The dress looks great! If you hadn't told me, I would have thought you got it at a store. Those grow in water things do take a ridiculous amount of time to grow. The pills with the foam inside are the better buy out of the two. At least she's happy playing with the animals being small, so it wasn't a complete waste of money.

  3. This looks to have been the sweetest of days! She is just adorable!!! What a wonderful little dress that you made for her, too. I love to see items upcycled!!! Fabulous, fabulous job and gorgeous photos!!


    PS: Your momma sent me over and I am glad I stopped by for a visit! Talent runs through your veins!!

  4. Thanks so much for the shout out! Your daughter is beautiful and the dress turned out great!

    --Tina from Twinkle Toes
