If Yvonne's blog shows my goal for photography, Rachel's blog shows my goal for decorating my home. On Smile and Wave she shows room after room of loveliness! She's recently moved and so is sharing fresh, new spaces yet again. Yay! I love that she mixes old family pieces and thrifted, vintage finds to create a look that is granny chic. And she just released a new e-course called "Style Your Space" that I'm dying to get (coughcoughMother'sDaycough). Definitely head on over and take a look!

This last blog is one I've just recently discovered. The Artful Parent is all about instilling creativity in your children. Jean is a momma to two girls and seems to have a never-ending flow of artsy ideas to share with the world. From painting with wheels (what kid, boy especially, wouldn't love this?) to doily t-shirts, I've gotten more ideas for kid crafts than I could ever have asked for. Read more to find some inspiration of your own.
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