Monday, May 23, 2011

This Week's Menu {5/23} + 30 Before Thirty

It was a whirlwind weekend at our house, full of pirates, fairies and other Peter Pan folk. So much fun!! I'll be sure to post photos later on the week, but Sunday was devoted to tidying up and grocery shopping for the week. Here's the menu for the next few days:

Monday - Spaghetti
Tuesday - Chicken Tacos
Wednesday - Ham, Egg & Cheese Cups
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Meatball Subs
Saturday - Tortellini with Pesto Sauce

Charlotte's party involved a lot of to dos. My list of prep work was long, but I'm happy to say I got everything accomplished, including four items from my 30 Before Thirty list. That's right, I managed to cross off the following:

Making a costume and hosting a party are pretty self-explanatory and I'll be sharing photos of both tomorrow, but the other two will require posts of their own. You can expect to see the details of them this week and next.

I've still got loads left to accomplish on my 30 Before Thirty list. Thus far I only have ten out of thirty items crossed off, but some of the remaining items can be completed soon if I put my mind to it. Just five months left!

1 comment:

  1. The party was great fun!!! Your first party in your new home was a success and I can't wait to see photos!
