Monday - Minestrone Soup
Tuesday - Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Wednesday - Leftovers
Thursday - Unstuffed Cabbage
Friday - Ham & Eggs
Saturday - Leftovers
Brenda will be in town for about 2 weeks or so, so our meal planning is likely to go to pot. It always does when we have guests. Too much running around. Too many nights where plans change. Too much eating out. But I have high hopes for the weeks after she leaves.

I recently came across this feature on freezer meals by Southern Living. There's so much great info jam-packed into this one article! Tips on how to shop. Storage times depending on the item. Recipes that go well in the freezer. And while gathering together my cookbooks to display in the newly finished dining room I can across a list I'd printed off forever ago of tons of freezer meals. So I'll be devoting some days to big time cooking, with plans to store everything and be able to make dinners more quickly. Do you do any freezer cooking? What are some of your favorite recipes?
Good luck with your freezer meals! We haven't done anything more than make an extra batch of chili to freeze, but my mom used to do it for a while, back in the day. I was little so I don't remember much about it.
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