C started her day with P's hat on, but we quickly decided it was hindering her view of the animals.

Wearing the hat Gramma and Grandpa bought in the zoo store (or no hat at all sometimes) proved to be the better option!

It was still nice and cool when we posed with the turtle:

But by the time we got around the corner to the duck exhibit (seriously, what kind of weird zoo has ducks on display?!?), she'd tossed the hat and stripped off the jacket so she could get to climbing fences:

Our favorite spot was the barnyard area. We got to see chickens, hogs and cows:

The biggest hit was the goat petting area. Once she realized she could go right up and touch them, Charlotte was in heaven:

Some of the photos came out a little blurry. It was hard to stay still when you're belly laughing cause your kid is talking to the goats!

We left before hitting the African area of the park (we'll have to see the twigas next time!), but we couldn't part without a souvenir. Charlotte picked a stuffed lion:

We were barely out of the parking lot we when looked back and saw this:

Mark and I joined her once we got home! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONKEY!!!!
Happy Birthday Charlotte!
It was fun at the zoo ~ with you!
Gramma also took a little nap when she got home...it was just that kind of day!
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