Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Or Peas

Our Fourth of July was low key and we loved it! We spent the morning watching the Wimbledon final, eating chocolate chip pancakes and visiting with friends. Regina was nice enough to bring over a festive dessert for us. As soon as Charlotte saw it she starting yelling "Caaaaaake", so we had to give her some.

As you can tell, she absolutely loved it! Thanks Regina!!

Later in the day we joined my parents for dinner out, a little bit of sprinkler time for Chuckles and a showing of fireworks put on by the neighbors. We rarely do much in the way of fireworks on the Fourth (consider us ruined by all the great fireworks at Walt Disney World), but Charlotte seemed to love them. Even though she had her hands over her face most of the time, she said "Or Peeeeeas" every time a round of them ended. Glad she's so polite when asking for more!

Thanks Mom for snapping these photos!

So, how did you spend your holiday?

1 comment:

  1. Darling pics, darling little story!!! I love seeing photos of your Charlotte and her cousins over at your mom's place. Too cute!!!
    And I love the finger paint project below (and pics to go with). Thanks for sharing a great idea! : )
