Thursday, July 8, 2010

To Do This July (Plus the Verdict on June)

Let's begin by going over what was accomplished from the to do list for June:

* Backyard. We managed to get more done than I'd expected, putting in all the new plants and mulch. We still need to lay the sod, which is a big project, but it's looking a ton better already!

* Upstairs Rooms. The scrapbook room is done (quite the feat) as is Charlotte's room. I've been able to go through my half of the master closet. Once Mark goes through his we'll be able to be able to tidy up pretty quickly. Tidying will go equally quickly in the spare bedroom once it's emptied of yard sale items. So while not totally complete, we've had much success upstairs.

* Miscellaneous Items. The miscellaneous category didn't have nearly as much success. I was able to restring the living room drapes (thanks Dad!) and hem my kitchen curtains, but still need to move the kitchen curtain rod and paint the front door and closets.

And now for July's to do list:

* Landscaping. We need to lay sod in the back (and hopefully keep it alive once laid) as well as work on the side and front flower beds. We also need to keep up in our mowing, made more difficult by the fact that we don't own a mower. Minor detail, right?!

* Clean, clean, clean. I've never prided myself on being a great housekeeper, so this place isn't nearly as clean as it needs to be to be put on the market. But Mark and I will work hard to get things as clean as possible and then keep them that way. The deep cleaning will require a lot of work, but maintaining it should be a much simpler process.

* Hire a realtor. I have a plan in mind for who to hire and need to make the call to schedule to have her come look at the place. But, I need to accomplish the last task of cleaning before I'd feel comfortable doing so.

* Basement. Ugh. The biggest part of the list. We have tons of stuff in our basement. Some needs to be kept and moved into a storage unit, but a lot needs to be gotten rid of in a yard sale. I'm hoping that when all is said and done they'll be only half as much stuff (or even less) down there. Wish me the best!

* Get the house on the market. My goal is to have a for sale sign up before the end of the month. Long before the end actually. I'm hoping to be able to put it on the market, perhaps schedule an open house and put a contingent offer a new place by month's end. We'll see how things go.

So, what's on your to do list?


  1. to do list?

    It's probably very similar to yours.
    : )

  2. Wow, lots of work. Good luck with it all. Sounds like you are making good progress!
