Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Floorplan

After my Grampa* toured the house and proclaimed it was confusing, it occurred to me that it may be confusing to others as well. Especially to those who, to date, have only seen it through the MLS pictures I posted a while back. So I whipped up a rendering of the house's floorplan. If I say whipped it'll make the 3+ hours I spent trying to figure out, only to get frustrated and use Word instead, not a waste of my time. But I digress... it's definitely not to scale, but gives a pretty good depiction of how things look:

Here's the main floor. You can see that you enter straight into the living room and just have to turn the corner to be in the kitchen and dining area. Off the dining area is a carport turned sunroom, which has access to the laundry room.

Just a half flight or so up are the bedrooms and our only full bath. In general, the bedrooms are smaller than what we had before, but thankfully all our furniture still fits! And the bath is in good condition, with a skylight. Awesome!

A half flight down from the dining area is the family room (complete with fireplace), laundry room and half bath. Plus a good-sized storage space that is already totally filled. With my Christmas decor. The family room is where all Charlotte's toys live (aside from her room, of course).

Just a few steps down from the laundry room is the unfinished storage area. It's huge compared to what we had before. It's even big enough for Mark to hang out with the guys and watch tv or play foosball.

In case you hadn't noticed, I color-coded the stairs so that you can tell how things line up. And, unfortunately, the color codes are pretty reminiscent of each stairway's actual color. Gotta love the seafoam green carpet that covers the first flight going down, and the whole family room. Blech!

So, does it make more sense now? Any questions?!

* P.S. Happy Birthday to the most awesome 93 year old I know. Okay, the only 93 year old I know. But awesome nonetheless!!

Photo Credit: Mom


marie said...

Makes total sense to me! Great job on the floor plan!!

Jo said...

That floorplan looks awesome. I was pretty much completely confused about the layout when Joe explained it to me. Can't wait to see it in person!

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