One of our
goals this summer was to take Charlotte mini golfing for the first time. Last Wednesday I put her in her most golf appropriate outfit (for real, that was my thought process when I picked this little striped number) and we headed out to our local golf center. Charlotte grabbed a yellow golf ball to match her outfit (clearly she's the same brand of crazy). She didn't really get the concept and usually carried her ball to the hole, plopped it down a few inches away, and then took a short putt to get it in. But she was proud nonetheless!

We lasted about ten holes before the humidity got the best of us and we hightailed it over to Brusters (another to do on our
summer fun list) for a treat. Mark and I both got holes in one and Charlotte is just cute, so we felt the ice cream was well deserved!

Is that a bit of a fist pump that I see? Yea Charlotte!!
Aww, that's too funny Elijah did the same exact thing when we took him mini-golfing. I guess they figure why waste time hitting it -all the way- across the green. :-) Glad she had fun and thoroughly enjoyed her ice cream.
golf plus ice cream = a good day!
I love that you think like me :) I would have picked that outfit for golfing too :) Too bad Annie is just starting to have an opinion about what she wears.
Looks like a fun day!
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