Monday, December 19, 2011


The time now is 11:39pm. Charlotte is sitting on the couch next to me. She's been there for the past two hours. She promised if I let her come downstairs from bed that she wouldn't do any playing. She hasn't played, but she's wiggled, turned over, hung upside down, grunted, groaned, cried and done just about everything else one can do on a couch. She's so hit or miss with bedtime lately - sometimes laying down and going to sleep with no fight at all, other times saying she's scared of everything. And she doesn't just say "everything", she names things individually. She'll literally look around the room to find something she's scared off - the wire mannequin that holds her hair clips (moved it into the linen closet), a wooden giraffe (put it in a drawer), a lamp (didn't move that). If I hide away everything she's "afraid of" her room will be empty in a matter of days. She's a weird one, that's for sure. So I'm at my last resort and we're off to bed together. Fingers crossed that that'll work and I'll be back with a regular post on Tuesday.


HRCK the Herald said...

Good luck! Thanks for stopping by my blog-- I'm excited to check yours out! :)

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