We got our first real snow on the same day that we headed to Arlington to visit my grandparents. After close to two decades apart they're finally back together. Their urns are in the Columbarium, a long wall that, at least in their section, runs near the main entrance to the cemetary. Their names haven't been engraved just yet, so there's just a slip of paper marking their spot.
I grabbed those last couple pictures of the more traditional gravestones as we drove out, hence the driveby look to the shots. It was way too cold to stop! We were there for less than an hour, but definitely made time for a group shot. Followed by the obligatory goofy group shot, required in this family, even at what would normally be a somber event.
I look forward to going back again when the weather is nicer and we can really have a good look around.
I'm looking forward to going again too. Maybe it will be warm enough to bring some flowers next time.
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