We've had laser tag outings, trivia events, Polar Bear plunges and more. Our latest event is happening today... a Rock Band tournament. This afternoon around 8 or so teams within my office will squeeze in a few minutes between phone calls to battle it out, rocker style. My team spent an hour or so at my house yesterday, practicing and planning. You see, we can't just show up and rock. Not at all. We need to have costumes and posters and loads of personality (and perhaps the occasional afro wig). In fact, I just got finished painting my nails to go with our loosely 80s theme.

I figure the brighter the better. So wish me luck!! Our team stands a pretty good chance of winning this whole thing, but we've got some stiff competition. The biggest of which is probably my sister's team. We're gonna take her down!!! :)
I hope someone is taking photos of this major event!!
Sounds like a fun place to work. I agree, I hope pictures are going to be taken... and shared. :-) Good luck to your team!
Go GLOWSTICK! So sorry your team lost, but so glad that my team won!
Laser tag? Trivia? Rock band? what kind of crazy shenanigans are happening since I left?
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