Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Singing, Negotiating & Bribing

I love these posts about all the quirky things Charlotte does, but have to admit that sometimes it takes a lot of pondering to come up with enough to warrant a whole post. Not because she doesn't do funny things all the time... she does, but because I have a horrible memory. I've got to get in the habit of writing them down throughout the month. Nevertheless, here you go:

* Since Charlotte's been in school she's learned tons of new songs. Everything from 'Baby Shark' to 'Herman the Worm' to the 'We Are Thankful' song. I think that last one is my favorite. I couldn't find it online anywhere, but it's a song they sing before eating lunch and is to the tune of 'Frere Jacques'. We sing it a lot after prayers, before eating.

* Charlotte thinks every new thing she gets, whether exciting or not, is a surprise. She makes a big deal about holding it behind her back, tiptoeing up to whoever is near, and pulling it out with a big flourish. Love that she's so excited about everything!

* Speaking of surprises, my mom told Charlotte she had a surprise for her and asked if she could guess what it was. Her first guess - an eraser (for her chalkboard). Her second guess - a big car. Quite the range of interests this kid has. Good thing, since the surprise was a Barbie.

* I regularly warn Charlotte as we approach bedtime to try to avoid a big meltdown. Recently I told her she had 5 minutes until bed. She replied, "How bout 5 minutes, I mean 4 minutes." Then she paused, concentrated real hard, and said, "How bout 9 minutes?" We agreed on seven.

* Not only can Charlotte negotiate, but she's taking bribes too. I wanted some new pictures of her and told her she could play with sidewalk chalk if she cooperated. She did a pretty good job (see below). I can't wait to see what happens when I bring out the bubbles and the sprinkler. Ah spring, a wealth of new bribing options.


marie said...

LOVE the negotiating!! I hadn't heard that one yet...I just laughed out loud!

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