Monday, July 2, 2012

A Week of Instagram {July 2}

Did you catch that change in the title there? I'm no longer going to be posting weekly menus. I'm sure you won't be devastated - they weren't that great anyway. Instead I'm going to allow the meals around here to come about a little more organically. I'll take out some meat to be defrosted at the beginning of the week - one each of chicken, beef and pork, and see what unfolds. We've had to a skip a meal here or there as things change during the week, so this will allow us to be a bit more flexible. Yay for flexibility!

But, the Instagram photos will remain. Here are a few from last week:

limeade thief // tools of the trade // pool time
post run // margarita cart // firework show

P.S. Sorry for flaking out at the end of last week! My internet was having issues and I just didn't have time to fix it. This week promises to be better.


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