We managed to get the house on the market and in just five days time have already had three showings. We're hopeful this means good news is on the way soon! And since the house is on the market, it means the basement is done. It's still got way more boxes in it than I'd like, but they're relegated to one corner and the other side of the space is staged nicely. We also had a doozy of a yard sale and I walked away with nearly $500 and a lot less stuff to show for it. Go me!!
Now for this month's goals:
Exercise. The one area that I didn't measure up on for August was starting an exercise routine. I did discover the awesomeness that is the Just Dance game for the Wii (I've always said I wanted an MC Hammer workout video) and plan to do that at least every other day. And I have a feeling that Charlotte, Mark and I will be taking lots of afternoon walks while we wait for potential buyers to take a look at the place.

Work on some crafty projects. I find that I'm a much happier person when I spend a little time making things (go figure that claims adjusting isn't enough of a creative outlet!!). I've gathered a long list of things I want to do (that I'm slowly but surely adding to my Potential Projects blog) and just need to settle on where to begin. I may start by signing up for the Small Crafts class I mentioned yesterday. We'll see!

Take more pictures. I'd been on a hot streak of breaking out the camera and documenting mine, and more specifically, Charlotte's life. But this past month was a total blur and I don't have any photos (at least not that I took) to show for it. So that will be rectified this month as I plan to get back into my snap-happy ways.

So, this month's goals are a lot more along the lines of getting myself into the normal routine of life than previous months have been, for which I'm very excited. How are your month's goals shaping up?
Sounds like a good list...I'm looking forward to lots of "Charlotte in the Fall" photos. The Wii exercise thing sounds good too!
I think I may try to focus on a more "handmade" kind of Christmas this year...have fun creating!
PS. Insurance is not a creative outlet at all!!
Sounds like a great list, as always. I look forward to seeing more of your photography, I really enjoy looking at it.
My to-do list was to work on Elijah's room and start planning my sis's shower... well both are in the works, so my August was very productive as well.
Congrats again on getting your house on the market. That's a huge accomplishment and I bet a ginormous weight off your shoulders.
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