But I digress. Here's the plan for this week (mostly just making up for what was missed last week):
Monday - Waffles, Eggs & Ham
Tuesday - Noodles & Co
Wednesday - Crunchy Taco Hamburger Helper (the only HH I like)
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Creamy Chicken & Dumplings
Saturday - Muffin Tin Pizzas
The Muffin Tin Pizza is something I found over at Sparkle Power (anyone else get an image of jazz hands when they see the name "Sparkle Power"?!). My family hasn't tried it yet, but I'm hopeful that it'll go over well. I love recipes that can be doctored up depending on the individual's food likes/dislikes.
The muffin tin pizzas look interesting. That might be a good thing to have for quick lunches.
I'm interested in hearing how the chicken & dumplings turn out too.
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