It was part of my
30 Before Thirty list that Charlotte and I do at least one craft together each month. On Saturday we were able to narrowly squeeze one in for January (seriously... where did the month go?!). We fashioned a Rice Krispie Treat Snowman and had a wonderful time!
Mark shaped two balls out of Rice Krispie treats. And thank goodness for that, because there's no way I'd have been able to photograph the fun had I had to make the balls myself. It's messy stuff!! Then he and Charlotte decorated with candy.
Charlotte managed to sneak tastes of most of the candy, to include Fruit by the Foot (the scarf), which she's never had before.

Looks like she's a fan!
That last picture is gorgeous!! I'm so jealous of her curly, curly hair!
This looks like fun! Love her expressions while she's enjoying her "fruit by the foot"!
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