We each make our predictions for the whole tournament and then vote for our personal favorites each round. And even though we consider this little contest to be nothing but fluff, Hollywood is taking note, because last year's winner was just promoted to Superman status. Clearly, this is serious business! And I've set up a March Madness blog so that you can take part.

Head on over there to see who is matched for the first round and make your picks. Just note that the polls are a little finicky, so you may want to refresh the page to make sure your votes were counted in each matchup. And make sure to hit 'Older Posts' so that you get to vote in each bracket. Happy voting and good luck with some of the harder matchups (seriously... Hugh Jackman v George Clooney just isn't fair)!
Disclaimer: We realize this is silly and perhaps even childish, but we find it entertaining all the same. If you don't, feel free to just move right past it onto the next item of your day.
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